Congratulations, you are correct on all questions. I was last at EAA AirVenture (Oshkosh) ten years ago, with 540 thousand attendance then and I probably wouldn't recognize it with all the expansion since.
Amplifying the details a bit, the US Naval installation officially "The Pacific Missile Range Facility Barking Sands" is on the northern-most Hawaiian island of Kaua'i. Air launch's (say an ICBM) target is typically near the island of Kwajalein Atoll in the U. S. Marshall Islands, some 2,300+ statute miles away.
Nearer my home, and unrelated to the exact questions of this quiz is the USAF's air launch installation at Vandenberg AFB, California Spaceport Point Arguello on the seacoast. Vandenberg's air launches are typically in late afternoons over the Pacific ocean, yielding amazing spectacular light show sky sights in the western skies reportedly seen as far east as Las Vegas, Nevada. These launches are generally pre-announced.
I thank all who were stumped by this quiz.