Several aircraft are wrongly listed in the Country category and suggest the following profiles are corrected:
VN-A195 Airbus A320-232 - amend Australia to Viet Nam
VN-A323 Airbus A321-231 - amend Australia to Viet Nam
VN-A612 Airbus A321-231 - amend Australia to Viet Nam
VN-A864 Boeing 787-9 Dreamliner- amend Australia to Viet Nam
VN-B246 ATR 72-212 - amend Australia to Viet Nam
YR-AMB Boeing 737-530 - amend Germany to Romania
ZM414 A400M-180 Atlas C.1 – amend New Zealand to United Kingdom
The following profiles would benefit from entry of the Country Location:
N477KW Convair 440 – Key West, Florida, United States
N893PA Boeing 707-321B – China
N4294S Beech 200 King Air – Houston, Texas, United States
PH-SCT PA-28-161 Cherokee Warrior II – Lelystad, Netherlands