The profile for this has errors, most likely due to some confusion with the c/n. The USAF s/n 55-0292 was originally assigned to the airframe c/n 218, but that was not taken up. Instead, s/n 55-0292 was assigned to airframe c/n 315. Many sites on the net have history for 55-0292 by following c/n 218 (including Joe Baugher!)
c/n 218 did become HZ-AAY and N99878.
c/n 315, s/n 55-0292 was TOS USAF April 1956. In 1966 it was converted to VC-131D. By 1981 until after 1984 (photo evidence for 1981, 1982, 1984) shows the aircraft with the 120th TFS, 140th TFW (ANG) at Buckley Field, Denver, CO. It was ferried to the South Dakota Air & Space Museum by April 1987.