Suggest the following database profiles are adjusted as indicated:
I-EDAI The profile c/n 86560 is correct and suggest the other profile be deleted.
N1432X This PA-28-151 is correctly profiled and suggest the PA28-151profile be deleted. Suggest United States be entered as the Country location.
N44567 This PA-28-151 is correctly profiled with a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
OM-ANA This PZL-Mielec An-2R is correctly profiled with two photographs and two linked airframes. Suggest the other profile be deleted.
S5-TSV This Dassault Falcon 50EX is correctly profiled with five photographs and a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile be deleted and to the retained profile be added profiles N668P and LX-LXL.
ZK-NAG This Cessna A152 Aerobat is correctly profiled with a photograph and a linked airframe. Suggest the other profile be deleted.