For many years I've wondered the internet looking for check printing companies that have checks with aircraft on them. I have had found many vendors over the years that offer them. Today, it finally dawned on my. Find a check printer that lets you upload your own photos. A quick google search for photo checks found multiple vendors with good introductory rates. Finding the right aspect ratio to crop the photos was a trial and error process.
I picked out four photos of mine.
A Cessna 172N that my flying club owns. I picked out the N-Number for when it was repainted.
EAA's B-17 because I've been to the maintenance hangar to volunteer to work on it.
An F-4 photo I took during the fireworks display at AirVenture 2015's Night Airshow.
A friend's Zenith CH-750 during take off since I am also building a Zenith CH-750.
Has anybody else on this website done this?