Suggest the following separate profiles be linked as indicated:
PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer II G-BOOF with N47510
PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer II G-BORS with N8127C
PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer II G-BOSE with N143AV
PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer II G-BOZT with N2502Q
PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer II G-BPAY with N3568X
PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer II G-JOYT (already linked with another) with N2239B
PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer II G-OBUS (already linked with another) with N3002K
PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer II G-SHED (already linked with another) with N47411
PA-28-181 Cherokee Archer II G-TERY (already linked with another) with N22402
Suggest United States be added as the location for all these US profiles.