Suggest the following separate profiles be linked as indicated:
Luscombe 8A Silvaire G-AFUP with N25370
Luscombe 8A Silvaire G-AFZK with N25118
Luscombe 8A Silvaire G-AHEC with N72001
Luscombe 8A Silvaire G-AICX with N71141
Luscombe 8A Silvaire G-AJAP with N45778
Luscombe 8A Silvaire G-AKTI with N1374K
Luscombe 8A Silvaire G-AKTT with N71852
Luscombe 8A Silvaire G-AKUL with N1462K
Luscombe 8A Silvaire G-BSTW with N2134B
All the US profiles have a blank location and suggest United States be shown as the address.