The following aircraft have separate database profiles and suggest they be linked:
Enstrom 280C Shark VH-IJX with C-FKEJ (already linked with another)
Enstrom 280C Shark C-FCQF with N51677 (to which United States should be added as the address)
Enstrom 280C Shark C-FURS with N280WR (already linked with another)
Enstrom 280C Shark N100WZ with VH-BTX (already linked with another)
Enstrom 280C Shark C-FCYJ with N56872 (to which United States should be added as the address)
Enstrom 280C Shark N5693A with C-GMDO
Enstrom 280C Shark N56932 with C-FKQI